All sorts of thoughts were running through my head. 各种各样的想法在我的脑海里闪过。
I love to go running to clear my head, stay in shape and explore the city. 我很喜欢跑步,跑步可以让我的头脑清醒,还可以保持体形,同时还能够探索这座城市。
After you read this article, when you're ready to get ext3 up and running, head over to Andrew's page. 阅读了这篇文章后,当您准备设置和运行ext3时,请参考Andrew的页面。
One time or another, youve had the thought running through your head that if you only knew more you would be more successful in life. 有时候有个想法会闪过脑海:你只有知道的越多,人生才会更成功。
You have probably heard the saying running around like a chicken with its head cut off. 你也许听过这样一句老话:像砍掉脑袋的鸡一样转着圈跑。
He muttered, the word running through his head like a persecuting tune as he saw the familiar tall-hatted figures lounging behind the plate-glass; and because he usually dropped in at the club at that hour he had gone home instead. 他看着玻璃板后面那些百无聊赖的戴高帽子的熟悉身影咕哝说,这话像纠缠不休的乐曲在他脑袋里不停地回响,平时这个时候他都是在俱乐部逗留,而今天他却直接回了家。
He walked to her house, nervous, and fidgeting, Running his thoughts over and over his head. 他向女孩的住所走去,紧张,坐立不安。头脑中一遍遍想着那些。
All kinds of stuff is running through my head now. 我这会儿脑子里想着各种各样的事情。
I kept running these conversations in my head. 我的脑海里就会过一遍这些谈话内容。
A short title for use as running head as well as the full address of the author to whom correspondence should be sent are also required. 其中第二句的意思是不是要求有个页眉,写上短标题?通讯作者的详细地址写的位置有没有具体要求?
The though kept running through his head. 那个想法不断地缭绕在他脑海中。
If these real-life examples sound familiar, you may have a caustic commentary running in your head, too. 如果这些真实的事例对你来说非常地熟悉,那么你的头脑里可能也有那么一个严厉的声音在回荡。
When the day is done, do you lie in your bed with the next hundredn chores running through your head? 夜晚来临时,躺在床上的你是不是还满脑子做不完的琐碎事情?
The boy running at the head is a friend of mine. 跑在前头的男孩是我的一个朋友。
Running Rx Get up and head to the kitchen for a glass of milk and some pretzels. 跑步对策赶快起床到厨房去,喝一杯牛奶,吃一点椒盐饼干。
Text area: Area occupied by text on a page, excluding running head and folio. 正文版度:不计书眉和页码,正文在书页上所占的面积。
The person running towards the leaving bus is my head teacher. 跑向要离开的汽车的那个人是我的班主任。
Yeah. They've been running through my head. 对。它们一直在我的脑海里闪现。
The fund is also running into unforeseen head winds offshore, with politicians in the west questioning whether such sovereign funds should be barred from local capital markets until they can convince regulators they are not following an overtly political agenda. 该基金在海外也遭遇了未曾预料的逆境。西方政界人士质疑,是否应该禁止此类主权基金进入各国国内资本市场,除非它们能让监管者相信,它们的举动没有公然的政治目的。
She was not even sure herself how she kept the running tally in her head. 她自己也有点莫名其妙,头脑里怎么会有一本清清楚楚的流水帐。
Ever since she explained it, I've found that phrase running through my head. 自从她解释了这句话后,我发现它一直在我头脑中回响。
So many stories are running through my head right now. 现在有好多故事在我的脑海里打转。
Type area: Area occupied by text and illustration on a page, including running head and folio. 版心:正文及插图,包括书眉和页码,在书页内所占的面积。
There's no use trying to make them see that they're wrong. you'd just be running your head into a brick wall. 你想叫他们明白自己做错了,那毫无用处,简直等于用你的脑袋去撞墙。
We started running and shouting, trying to head off the goats. 我们于是边跑边叫,想拦住那些山羊。
That tune has been running in her head all the morning. 这个曲调整个上午都一直在她脑际里萦回。
The impact of the everyday things that he does is like a freight train running head on into the core of my being. 这些日常小事带给我的感受,不啻于一列长长的火车呼啸着撞击我的内心深处。
Competition engaging head nurses among contract nurses Experience on running for head of nur-sing group in public 合同护士公开竞聘护士长的做法和体会
MATLAB-based simulation model for parallel running turbines of high head power stations 引水式电站并列运行机组的MATLAB仿真模型
Especially, it applies the column beam structure. The running system of the welding head is above the beam, far away from the heat source and dust. Besides, it utilizes the gear and rack gear transmission which greatly enhance the reliability. 特别是采用立柱横梁结构,焊接机头行走系统高架于横梁之上,远离热源、粉尘,并采用齿轮、齿条传动,可靠性大为提高。